All was calm and beautiful when we went outside in the early morning.
Starting at around 8am little dinky planes flew around the coasts with sirens warning people to get away from the coasts and get to higher ground. Many of the lower lying roads were shut down, and people on the west side had to move to higher ground if they were below the fourth floor. It seemed like this was going to be a hell of a tsunami with all of the precautions that were made. Knowing this everyone was really excited for the chance to see the waves come in. At the farm we are at about 500 ft elevation, and over a half mile away from the ocean. So really safe, and a perfect viewing spot!

You can see how stressed out we all are at our "tsunami party" on the deck.

Waiting for the big one!
After gazing out to sea for over two hours we all gave up, and realized the tsunami was a no show. We all were a little dissapointed that there wasn't even any big waves, but overall thankful that nothing serious happened.